Workshop Registration

Workshop Registration

From BruCON 2017

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To prevent chaos for our workshops, we kindly ask you to register on this page (actual name or nickname)

Most workshops will be given on both days so you have 2 options.
Arrive early (5 minutes before start).
Even if you don't have a spot, drop by to see if anybody didn't show up.

Lists will be closed at midnight the day before.
If you didn't get a chance to register in time but the list isn't full yet, come and try your luck.

DJ Workshop

by Joernchen & Mumpi of Phenoelit

The workshop will run for 2,5 hours. Two sessions catering for 8 attendees will be run. When registering, indicate (1) or (2) !!!

#1 Ryan Dewhurst (1)
#2 Wim Remes (1)
#3 Dieter (@dietervds) (1)
#4 Aasia96 (1)
#5 laurensv
No more people, thanks!

Collective Malicious PDF Analysis

by (Brandon Dixon - x0ner)

What you need : Users should bring their laptop if they want to participate in the analysis. You should also have the ability to run a VMware Virtual machine. This could mean having Fusion, Player or Workstation installed.

There is no maximum audience amount.

Monday Tuesday
#1 Ryan Dewhurst Bkay "@security4all"
#2 @davehardy20 Jochen - hammer
#3 Charlie Brown
#4 Etienne Stalmans
#5 @Guillermo
No more people, thanks!
No more people, thanks!

Script Kiddie Hacking Techniques

by Ellen Moar & Colin McLean

#1 Mike - ydoow
#2 Benoit
#3 Gavin Watson
#4 Bryn Bellis
#5 Xavier "@xme"
#6 Dieter (@dietervds)
#7 smtx (@5M7X)
#8 BaconZombie { @BaconZombie }
#9 Charlie Brown
#10 Dieter Van Den Bosch
#11 Koen VB
#12 Aasia96
#13 @Dave_von_S
#14 @steevebarbeau
#15 GeCo
#16 Koen Machilsen
#17 corelanc0d3r
#18 jps
#19 padzer0
#20 @davehardy20
No more people, thanks!

The Web Application Hacking Toolchain

by Jason Haddix - jhaddix

Monday Tuesday
#1 Robin - digininja Ryan Dewhurst
#2 Benoit Mike - ydoow
#3 @Dave_von_S Matt Erasmus
#4 Gavin Watson Michael - mfs
#5 Marc - wicky Jochen - hammer
#6 Bart Van der Aovrt Dieter (@dietervds)
#7 smtx (@5M7X) Dieter Van Den Bosch
#8 GeCo Charlie Brown
#9 padzer0 Koen VB
#10 @chrisjohnriley
#11 @davehardy20
#12 Ruben - b33f
#13 @alcyonsecurity
#14 @vanhoefm
#15 Erik VB
No more people, thanks!
No more people, thanks!

White Hat Shellcode: Not for Exploits

by Didier Stevens

Monday Tuesday
#1 @vanhoefm Bart Van der Avort
#2 smtx (@5M7X)
#3 Etienne Stalmans
No more people, thanks!
No more people, thanks!

WiFi malware for Fun and Profit

by Vivek Ramachandran

Monday Tuesday
#1 Thibault B Bkay "@security4all"
#2 Robin - digininja Charlie Brown
#3 Dale Pearson Dieter Van Den Bosch
#4 BaconZombie { @BaconZombie } @steevebarbeau
#5 Benoit Dieter (@dietervds)
#6 Marc - wicky SenseiZeon
#7 Jochen - hammer
#8 smtx (@5M7X)
#9 Ruben - b33f
#10 @alcyonsecurity
#11 Bruno DiLo
#12 azerton
#13 @Guillermo
No more people, thanks!
No more people, thanks!

Cisco VoIP insecurity workshop

by Sandro Gauci and Joffrey Czarny aka Sn0rkY

What you need : Users should bring their laptop and a long ethernet network cable!

There is a maximum number of Cisco IP phone available.

#1 Robin - digininja
#2 Bryn Bellis
#3 Gavin Watson
#4 Hilko Bouwman
#5 smtx (@5M7X)
#6 BaconZombie
#7 @steevebarbeau
#8 Koen Machilsen
#9 jps
No more people, thanks!

Beer brewing workshop

by Machtelt Garrels

#1 BaconZombie
#2 Niall Kearney
#3 Charlie Brown
#4 Etienne Stalmans
#5 @steevebarbeau
#6 BrunoDiLo
No more people, thanks!

Lock Picking 101

by Walter Belgers (TOOOL)

What you need : You don't need to bring any particular tools. Everything will be lended to participant during the workshop. If you have, you can bring your own lockpicking toolset.

There is a maximum circular capacity of 20 people.

#1 Mike - ydoow
#2 Matt Erasmus
#3 Benoit
#4 Niall Kearney
#5 smtx (@5M7X)
#6 BaconZombie { @BaconZombie }
#7 Dieter Van Den Bosch
#8 Charlie Brown
#9 Dieter (@dietervds)
#10 JorisVH
#11 corelanc0d3r
#12 jps
#13 laurensv
#14 SenseiZeon
#15 Ruben - b33f
#16 Bruno DiLo
No more people, thanks!

Hacking your conference badge

by OpenAMD Crew

Monday Tuesday
#1 Mike - ydoow SenseiZeon
#2 Matt Erasmus azerton
#3 Bkay "@security4all"
#4 Xavier "@xme"
#5 Charlie Brown
#6 Dieter Van Den Bosch
#7 Etienne Stalmans
#8 @steevebarbeau
#9 jps
#10 padzer0
No more people, thanks!
No more people, thanks!

Agnitio: the security code review Swiss army knife

by David Rook aka Securityninja

What you need: Users needs to bring a laptop configured as per the information in the link below.

The following things are required for the Agnitio hands on demos:

•A 32bit Windows Operating System (XP or 7 preferably – VM will be fine)
•.NET framework 3.5 installed
•Agnitio v2.0 installed
•Download the Pandemobium Android and iOS source code
•Download the selected vulnerable open source application

There is no maximum audience amount.

#1 Ryan Dewhurst
#2 Mike - ydoow
#3 Dieter (@dietervds)
#4 @steevebarbeau
#5 padzer0
#6 azerton
No more people, thanks!

Podcasters meetup

This is a walk-in event

Infosec Mentors

This is a walk-in event