

From BruCON 2017

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You are going to fill your blog with BruCON related stuff? So list your blog or others you can find here so that people can add you to their feed lists. Please use brucon as tag or category for your posts, if possible. It would be nice if you could set up an extra feed for this posts.

Title RSS Atom Podcast Twitter/ Author(s)
Brucon Blog -- -- Brucon Crew
/dev/random -- -- @Xme Xavier Mertens
Ramblings of the änal security guy -- -- @ChrisJohnRiley ChrisJohnRiley
The Security Kitchen -- -- @wimremes Wim Remes

Several blogposts about the event:

[BLOG: The Belgian beer lovers guide to Cloud Security] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: Red Team Testing] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: Opensource Information Gathering] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: Script Fragmentation] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: Dispelling the myths and discussing the facts of global cyber warfare] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: Transition to IPv6 on the internet: Threats and Mitigation techniques] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: How to conduct a Cyber attack] - ChrisJohnRiley

[BLOG: SQL Injection: How far does the rabbit hole go ?] - ChrisJohnRiley

[Article: BruCON Script Fragmentation] - SecuObs

[BLOG: brucon recap] - The Security Kitchen

[BLOG: BrucON is Over] - /dev/random

[Thoughts From BruCON] - { Security Wannabe }

[BLOG: BruCon 2009 - Brussels Security Conference] -

[BruCON 2009 – Thanks for all the Fun] Redteam blog