Deletion log
From BruCON 2017
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 10:23, 7 September 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Exploiting IoT Devices over Software Defined Radio, ZigBee, WiFi and BLE (content was: "With arrival of new smart devices every day, Internet of Things is one of the most upcoming trends in technology. Most of these devices have component to communicate over Wireless. However many of these devices communicate over proprieta...")
- 23:22, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page May the data stay with you Network Data Exfiltration Techniques (content was: "Data exfiltration is the process of transmitting data from pwned or infected networks back to the attacker while trying to minimize detection. During this workshop (..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 23:20, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Building a cheap robust scaling penetration testing/bug bounty super computer (content was: "Are you confronted with huge amounts of IP addresses you need to scan or penetration test against? Are you ready to go into bug bounty hunting on a large scale? Do yo..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:44, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) restored page Evading Microsoft ATA for Active Directory Domination (1 revision restored)
- 22:43, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Evading Microsoft ATA for Active Directory Domination (content was: "Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) is a defense platform which reads information from multiple sources like traffic for certain protocols to the Domain Control..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:39, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Josh Schwartz (content was: "FuzzyNop and ceyx were raised by computerized wolves with a penchant for fine art and rum based cocktails. While technically from different mothers and also sides of..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:39, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page John Cramb (content was: "FuzzyNop and ceyx were raised by computerized wolves with a penchant for fine art and rum based cocktails. While technically from different mothers and also sides of..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:39, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page František Střasák (content was: "František Střasák is a student of the Bachelor program of Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic. His supervisor in t..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:39, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Sebastian Garcia (content was: "František Střasák is a student of the Bachelor program of Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic. His supervisor in t..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:36, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page MEATPISTOL, A Modular Malware Implant Framework. (content was: "Attention Red Teamers, Penetration Testers, and Offensive Security Operators, isn’t the overhead of fighting attribution, spinning up infrastructure, and having to..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:36, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Josh Schwartz - John Cramb (content was: "FuzzyNop and ceyx were raised by computerized wolves with a penchant for fine art and rum based cocktails. While technically from different mothers and also sides of..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:33, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Secure channels: Building real world crypto systems. (content was: "Secure communication is one of the most common, most important real world application of cryptography today. But besides being one of the most important requirements..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:31, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Sampada Nandedkar - Rushikesh Nandedkar (content was: "Sampada is a programmer transformed to security researcher. Her passion lies in logical vulnerabilities and algorithmic enhancements towards systems security. Her are..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:23, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Exploiting IoT Devices over Software Defined Radio, ZigBee, WiFi and BLE. (content was: "With arrival of new smart devices every day, Internet of Things is one of the most upcoming trends in technology. Most of these devices have component to communicate..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:21, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Anna Shirokova - Veronica Valeros (content was: "Anna Shirokova is a threat researcher at Cisco. Her passion for all things relating to malware eventually grew into a career as an information security analyst. As of..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:20, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page XFLTReaT: A new dimension in tunnelling. (content was: "This presentation will sum up how to do tunnelling with different protocols and will have different perspectives detailed. For example, companies are fighting hard to..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 22:18, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page See no evil, hear no evil: Hacking invisibly and silently with light and sound. (content was: "Traditional techniques for C2 channels, exfiltration, surveillance, and exploitation are often frustrated by the growing sophistication and prevalence of security pro..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 21:33, 1 July 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Steven Wierckx - Andy Deweirt (content was: "Steven Wierckx: I’m a Software and Security Tester with 15 years of experience in programming, security testing, source code review, test automation, functional and..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 18:29, 26 June 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Weaponizing the BBC Micro:Bit. (content was: "In 2015, BBC sponsored Micro:Bit was launched and offered to one million students in the United Kingdom to teach them how to code. This device is affordable and have..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 17:37, 26 June 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Anna Shirokova Veronica Valeros (content was: "Anna Shirokova is a threat researcher at Cisco. Her passion for all things relating to malware eventually grew into a career as an information security analyst. As of..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 17:33, 26 June 2017 Larry (talk | contribs) deleted page Matt Wixey.html (content was: "Matt Wixey is a penetration tester on PwC's Threat and Vulnerability Management team in the UK, and leads the team's research function. Prior to joining PwC, he led a..." (and the only contributor was "Larry"))
- 10:56, 30 January 2017 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Jason.Cook.png
- 08:52, 22 September 2015 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page Challenge (No more relevant)
- 09:18, 20 August 2015 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Dimension-data-logo.jpg
- 06:44, 14 April 2015 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page User: (content was: "Hacking for B33R @SiMpS0N" (and the only contributor was ""))
- 06:43, 14 April 2015 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page User:SiMpS0N (content was: "Hacking for B33R @SiMpS0N 2015 Easter Egg!" (and the only contributor was ""))
- 06:43, 14 April 2015 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page User:2A02:A03F:3490:DD00:65A7:8A42:9255:81B6 (content was: "Test" (and the only contributor was "2A02:A03F:3490:DD00:65A7:8A42:9255:81B6"))
- 20:51, 21 January 2015 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Spring Training 2015 - Tacticle Exploitation and Response (content was: "=Tactical Exploitation and Response= ===Course Description=== This unique class offers a view into attacker and defender models in one single session. Tacti..." (and the only contributor was "Tom.Gilis"))
- 20:16, 21 January 2015 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Spring Training 2015 - Wireshark Wifi training (content was: "=Wireshark Wifi training= ===Course Description=== TBC = Requirements = THC =Trainers Biography= 125px Didier Stevens (S..." (and the only contributor was "Tom.Gilis"))
- 20:15, 21 January 2015 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Spring Training 2015 - Wireshark WiFi & Lua-Packet Class (content was: "=Wireshark Wifi training= ===Course Description=== TBC = Requirements = THC =Trainers Biography= 125px Didier Stevens (S..." (and the only contributor was "Tom.Gilis"))
- 21:02, 18 December 2014 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Training Practical Malware Analysis: Rapid Introduction (content was: "=Practical Malware Analysis: Rapid Introduction by Michael Sikorski= ===Course Description=== Get a rapid introduction to Malware Analysis and Reverse Engine..." (and the only contributor was "Tom.Gilis"))
- 21:01, 18 December 2014 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Training ARM Android Xploitation (content was: "=ARM Android Xploitation by Aseem Jakhar & Aditya Gupta= ===Course Description=== ARM Android Xploitation training takes up one of the finest operating system used for smartphones a.k.a Android and tears it apart. As the name suggests t...")
- 21:00, 18 December 2014 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Training Hands-on Penetration Testing (content was: "=Hands-on Penetration Testing by Georgia Weidman = ===Course Description=== This course will give you hands-on experience examining multiple facets of penetration testing following the Penetration Testing Execution Standard(PTES). W...")
- 20:59, 18 December 2014 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Training Wireshark Packet Class (content was: "=Wireshark - Packet Class by Didier Stevens = ===Course Description=== Wireshark is the number one network security tool according to top 125 Ne..." (and the only contributor was "Tom.Gilis"))
- 20:59, 18 December 2014 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Training Hardware Hacking (content was: "=Hardware Hacking by Joe Grand= ===Course Description=== This course teaches hardware hacking and reverse engineering techniques commonly used against electronic products and embedded systems. It is a combination of lecture and hands-on...")
- 20:57, 18 December 2014 Tom.Gilis (talk | contribs) deleted page Training Kali Linux Dojo (content was: "File:Kali-under-the-hood-blog-red.png =Kali Linux Dojo by Mati Aharoni "Muts"= ===Course Description=== The developers of Kali Linux present the first official all-day Kali Linux event at BruCON 2014. Consisting of five, one-hour wo...")
- 17:41, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page Supporters (content was: "=== Sponsors === {| cellpadding="2" style="border:0px solid darkgray;" !align="center" width="240"|Diamond !align="center" width="200"|Platinum !align="center" width="160"| |- valign="top" align="center" | style="border:0px;"| Image:...")
- 17:41, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page Media (content was: "== Presentations == See the Schedule for links to the presentations == Photos == See Photo Documentation where everyone can link their pictures. == Weblogs == See Weblogs for bloggers talking about BruCON as well as twee...")
- 17:40, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page MaceBohanan15 (Spam: content was: "What is Black Hat and White Hat and How Does it Relate to Your Affiliate and Adsense Sites Search engine marketing is becoming more popular every da..." (and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/|91.121.4...)
- 17:40, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page KeroSerene (Serene Han, pianist) (Spam: content was: "Coming soon." (and the only contributor was "Znb"))
- 17:39, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page KeroSerene (Spam: content was: "Coming soon." (and the only contributor was "Znb"))
- 17:39, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page DeciccoGreene722 (Spam: content was: "GoDaddy, the manufacturer that can offer blog site website names, got a website page from simple fact Television for computer on Weekend evening, an..." (and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/|109.169.4...)
- 17:39, 18 December 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page CasandraSterrett993 (Spam: content was: "The consequences of sleep loss include not only higher stress and reduced performance at work, but even an increased chance of stroke risk and other..." (and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/|109.169.4...)
- 20:57, 22 September 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Xmco.png (Deleted old revision 20140922195741!Xmco.png)
- 22:34, 16 January 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Chrisnickerson.png
- 22:34, 16 January 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Joemccray.jpg
- 22:34, 16 January 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:BruCON 2013 Training Flyer.pdf
- 22:33, 16 January 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Reboot - OneSheet (release).jpg
- 22:33, 16 January 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Brucon12trainingskyscraper.jpg
- 22:32, 16 January 2014 Xme (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Brucon2011-Belenko - iOS Data Protection.pdf